Steroid Profiles
- Albuterol
- Amino Acids
- Anadrol
- Anavar
- Androgel
- Arimidex
- Aromasin
- British Dragon Steroids
- Clen
- Clenbuterol
- Clomid
- Cytadren
- Cytomel
- Deca 200
- Deca 300
- Deca Durabolin
- Dianabol
- Durabolin
- Equipoise
- Finasteride
- Halotestin
- Human Growth Hormone
- Insulin
- Lasix
- Letrozole
- Masteron-Enanthate
- Masteron-Propionate
- Nandrolone Decanoate
- Nolvadex
- Omnadren
- Oral Winstrol
- Oxandrolone
- Oxymetholone
- Primobolan
- Primobolan Depot
- Proviron
- Somatropin
- Stanozolol
- Sustanon-250
- Tamoxifen Citrate
- Testosterone-Cypionate
- Testosterone-Enanthate
- Testosterone-Propionate
- Testosterone-Suspension
- Trenbolone
- Trenbolone-Acetate
- Trenbolone-Enanthate
- Turinabol
- Winstrol
- Winstrol Depot
Effects of Clomid
Clomid, officially known as Clomiphene Citrate is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM)that is medically used for the purpose of ovarian stimulation and even as a testosterone producing stimulant in men. While these encompass the medical purposes the effects of Clomid are often highly desired by those in performance enhancing circles; most notably anabolic androgenic steroid users. The effects of Clomid are beneficial to the anabolic steroid user simply by the manner in-which it stimulates testosterone production; most commonly this action is held to during the post cycle therapy (PCT) plan of the anabolic steroid user. Granted, the effects of Clomid can be useful during the actual steroid cycle itself by the manner in-which it can protect against certain side-effects but PCT use remains its most important function and it is by this nature we will discuss this SERM here.
The Effects of Clomid on PCT:
During the PCT period the basic idea is twofold; to stimulate natural testosterone production and normalize the body. When we supplement with anabolic androgenic steroids our natural testosterone production is suppressed. For this reason most performance enhancers supplement with exogenous testosterone in-order to provide the body what it needs; not to mention testosterone is one of the most versatile anabolic steroids to begin with of enormous power. Once an anabolic steroid cycle is complete the first order of business is to bring natural testosterone production back online. No, a PCT plan will not do this all on its own, it will actually take several months to achieve this end but a solid PCT plan will provide this much faster than without. This is where the effects of Clomid can be very useful.
One of the primary effects of Clomid is by the way it stimulates the release of Luteinizing and Follicle Stimulating Hormones (LH & FSH) with a strong emphasis on LH. Both LH and FSH are essential to testosterone production; again, LH to an even larger degree. Without the release of LH no testosterone will be produced; by the effects of Clomid more LH is released thereby signaling to the testicles to produce more testosterone. As our testosterone levels increase by-way of this stimulated release of LH and FSH we are able to preserve more of the gains we made while on cycle but more importantly protect our health. Testosterone is an essential hormone necessary to a healthy and well-functioning body; in-fact, the testosterone hormone is one of the most important hormones our body produces. If our body does not have access to an adequate amount of this potent androgen we lose muscle mass, gain body-fat, lose strength and we also suffer greatly regarding mental function, sexual function and in general our entire disposition and quality of life goes into decline. For the PCT purpose its not hard to see why the effects of Clomid are so highly desired by many performance enhancers.
Comparing Nolvadex:
Clomid is not the only SERM used during PCT; the powerful and potent SERM Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex) may be even more popular. The reason Nolvadex is perhaps more popular is because its often more readily available but largely its more popular in many circles due to myth. The belief is that Nolvadex is more powerfully effective than Clomid; the truth, Clomid and Nolvadex are almost identical. The effects of Clomid and Nolvadex during PCT use are the same; both stimulate the production of natural testosterone by the same mode of action; in that there is no difference.
The reason this myth exists regarding Nolva as it is commonly known is because on a milligram for milligram basis Nolva is stronger than Clomid. When many performance enhancers supplement with Nolva, if they supplement with Clomid the next time theyll use a similar dose as they did with Nolva and even if they increase the dose its rarely enough. Doses of Nolva at 40mg per day are very common place during PCT use and many match their Clomid at a dose of 50mg per day and this is the problem. For the effects of Clomid to match 40mg of Nolvadex one will need about 150mg of Clomid. This does not make Clomiphene Citrate inferior to Tamoxifen Citrate any more than it makes Tylenol inferior to Extra-Strength Tylenol; we must simply recognize proper doses.
Clomid vs. AIs:
AIs or Aromatase Inhibitors are also often used during the PCT process and for stimulating natural testosterone production they may indeed beat the effects of Clomid; however, AI PCT use is not something we can recommend. AIs although excellent testosterone producing tools also greatly reduce estrogen and herein lies the problem. Estrogen is another very important hormone and during the PCT process we do not only want to stimulate testosterone production but we are wanting to normalize; we want all of our hormonal productions to be exactly what theyre supposed to be. The effects of Clomid will not decrease the estrogen levels of the body and this simply makes Clomiphene a better choice. Make no mistake, AIs are very useful to the performance enhancer while on-cycle as a means of protecting against many adverse side-effects but are best used for this purpose and not the PCT period.
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