Steroid Profiles
- Albuterol
- Amino Acids
- Anadrol
- Anavar
- Androgel
- Arimidex
- Aromasin
- British Dragon Steroids
- Clen
- Clenbuterol
- Clomid
- Cytadren
- Cytomel
- Deca 200
- Deca 300
- Deca Durabolin
- Dianabol
- Durabolin
- Equipoise
- Finasteride
- Halotestin
- Human Growth Hormone
- Insulin
- Lasix
- Letrozole
- Masteron-Enanthate
- Masteron-Propionate
- Nandrolone Decanoate
- Nolvadex
- Omnadren
- Oral Winstrol
- Oxandrolone
- Oxymetholone
- Primobolan
- Primobolan Depot
- Proviron
- Somatropin
- Stanozolol
- Sustanon-250
- Tamoxifen Citrate
- Testosterone-Cypionate
- Testosterone-Enanthate
- Testosterone-Propionate
- Testosterone-Suspension
- Trenbolone
- Trenbolone-Acetate
- Trenbolone-Enanthate
- Turinabol
- Winstrol
- Winstrol Depot
Clomid Side-Effects
If youre an anabolic androgenic steroid user there is a very good chance at some point youll be supplementing with Clomid. Clomid, officially known as Clomiphene Citrate is not an anabolic steroid but a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) most commonly used during the Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) process. Clomid is without question one of the greatest PCT meds we have at our disposal but like all meds, even SERMs you need to be aware of possible problems and in this light youll want to understand possible Clomid side-effects. With that in mind we have some pretty good news for you; adverse Clomid side-effects are very rare and if they do occur often very mild in nature. Without question Clomiphene Citrate is one of the safest items any performance enhancer will ever use, so lets take a look and see what the possible Clomid side-effects might be.
Basic Clomid Side-Effects:
The basic Clomid side-effects will also be our most common; while they will be the most common, even so the majority of users will never experience them and if they do, in most cases only moderately so. Of the basic Clomid side-effects the most common is blurred vision. Blurred vision does not imply you wont be able to see, it does not mean you will go blind; it simply means blurred or a little fuzzy. Once use is discontinued this effect will go away if it occurred at all and your vision will return to normal.
Another possible side-effect due to use is acne; especially on the back and shoulders. This effect is largely due to the high influx of natural testosterone now being produced due to Clomid use. Once the body becomes accustomed to this influx the acne should clear; if it does not it will clear once use is discontinued. This effect can occur with most all SERMs but for reasons unknown appears to be a little more common with Clomid.
Possible but Unlikely Clomid Side-Effects:
While the basic Clomid side-effects will only occur in a small percentage of users there is another grouping of Clomid side-effects that is even rarer; abdominal cramping and hot flashes. When we say these effects are rare we really do mean rare; less than 1% of all Clomiphene Citrate users will experience these effects. If you are one of the unlucky few, the very few there wont be much you can do other than discontinuing use. Look at it like this; most people can take Aspirin but some people cant because it upsets their stomach. With these Clomid side-effects we have pretty much the same kind of thing.
The End Game:
In the end the truth is simple; Clomid side-effects are rare and if they do occur they are in most cases very mild. As such millions upon millions of performance enhancers supplement with this powerful SERM and successfully so, especially during PCT periods of use as this is when it is best suited. While there are other SERMs we have available very few are as effectively efficient and as safe as Clomiphene Citrate and as both safety and effectiveness is the name of the game theres not much else you could ask for.
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