Steroid Information


Winstrol is one of the most desired and hyped anabolic steroids on earth. Largely thanks to the massive media attention the drug has received over the years but more so due to the idea surrounding Winstrol as a Cutting steroid. Lets be clear, almost any anabolic steroid can be used to Cut or drop body-fat; the use of the words Cutting Steroids should only be taken with a grain of salt and that includes when talking about Winstrols.

Overview of Effects

Winstrol is an anabolic steroid with very low androgenic qualities yet highly anabolic. Its strengths lie within its ability to promote increases in strength, as well as harden an already lean physique. This hardening effect is what has led Winstrol to be known as a Cutting Steroid in many circles but make no mistake, Winstrol will not magically rip you to shreds; you must possess already low levels of body fat for it to give your body a harder more defined appearance. Yes, absolutely, Winstrol can help you achieve a lower body fat but all anabolic steroids can do this with just as much success.

Winstrol is a long standing favorite of the bodybuilding world due to its hardening effects but some bodybuilders swear by it even in their off-season as a means to solidify gains or to increase strength during a cycle, thereby enabling them to push more weight and grow. However, although this is not the most common use of the drug it is also not recommended. Winstrol is one of the most toxic anabolic steroids to the liver and cycles of Winstrol are best run for short durations of six to eight weeks and not during Bulking cycles; save Winstrol for other purposes.

Beyond the bodybuilding world Winstrol has firmly placed itself on the pedestal of most well-known anabolics on the planet thanks to its use in professional sports by individuals in just about every professional sport imaginable. Winstrol as we discussed can greatly increase strength and this includes an increase in ones strength of speed. Further, due to its inability to promote massive gains in muscle tissue, it is a drug that can be used in low doses without generating a lot of suspicion. More importantly, Winstrol is only detectable for a very short period of time and is very, very easy to cover up if a drug test is made known to the athlete; these things make Winstrol a top choice for many professional athletes and for obvious reasons.

It should be noted, the drug Winstrol and the drug Stanozolol are one in the same. Stanozolol is the official drug name. Many anabolic steroids carry a name based on the name of their original producer, for example the drug commonly known as Dianabol is specifically and more correctly known as Methandrostenolone; the same concepts applies here with Stanozolol or as you know it, Winstrol or Winstrol Depot.